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Case study BusGo

Transport & Logistics QC, Canada

A UX Revolution at the Heart of Fleet Management

*For confidentiality reasons, the name of our client has been anonymized in this case study.

Our customer was managing a fleet of vehicles with an obsolete system. Our mandate: to create an intuitive solution adapted to the school transport industry.

  • Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Application
  • UX Research

Analysis & Context

First, a field visit!

Our researchers, eager to understand the complex challenges of managing school fleets, immersed themselves in the users' reality. They discovered an aging system causing intense cognitive overload.

Key obstacles identified:

  • Outdated and inefficient system
  • Intense cognitive overload
  • Lack of data accessibility and sharing
  • Difficulty making decisions with real-time data

Transformation & Impact

The answer was a complete product that met the well-known challenges of school transporters. The user interface, designed for mobile devices, emphasizes intuitiveness. The dashboard, optimized for smartphones, offers simplified navigation thanks to superimposed views, reducing process complexity by meeting the need for rapid access to information.

Our approach followed these fundamental steps:

1. Designing the product: Created an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for mobile devices, optimized for smartphones.

2. Simplifying Navigation: Used layered views to offer simplified navigation and reduce process complexity and cognitive surcharge. 

3. Quick Information Access: Developed a dashboard providing quick and efficient access to necessary information for daily management.


This transformation had a profound impact on users' daily lives. The new platform enabled them to efficiently plan, monitor, and analyze operations while providing the flexibility to manage emergencies calmly.

Key results:

  • Efficient planning and monitoring of operations
  • Improved real-time data analysis
  • Increased flexibility to manage emergencies
  • Reduced excessive managerial involvement
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